AiryBiZero[k] represents the k\[Null]^th zero of the Airy function Bi(x).AiryBiZero[k, x_0] represents the k\[Null]^th zero less than x_0.
BatesDistribution[n] represents the distribution of a mean of n random variables uniformly distributed from 0 to 1.BatesDistribution[n, {min, max}] represents the ...
BenktanderGibratDistribution[a, b] represents a Benktander distribution of type I with parameters a and b.
BenktanderWeibullDistribution[a, b] represents a Benktander distribution of type II with parameters a and b.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Beta[a, b] gives the Euler beta function \[CapitalBeta](a, b). Beta[z, a, b] gives the incomplete beta function \[CapitalBeta]_z (a, b).
BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], n] represents a beta negative binomial mixture distribution with beta distribution parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta], and n ...
BetaRegularized[z, a, b] gives the regularized incomplete beta function I_z (a, b).
Binarize[image] creates a binary image from image by replacing all values above a globally determined threshold with 1 and others with 0.Binarize[image, t] creates a binary ...
BoxRatios is an option for Graphics3D that gives the ratios of side lengths for the bounding box of the three-dimensional picture.
CellularAutomaton[rule, init, t] generates a list representing the evolution of the cellular automaton with the specified rule from initial condition init for t steps. ...