ExtentSize is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies how far to extend out from each plot point.
FindIndependentEdgeSet[g] finds an independent edge set of the graph g with a maximum number of edges.
FunctionInterpolation[expr, {x, x_min, x_max}] evaluates expr with x running from x_min to x_max and constructs an InterpolatingFunction object which represents an ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Joined is an option for ListPlot and related functions that specifies whether points in each dataset should be joined into a line, or should be plotted as separate points.
SoundVolume is an option to Sound and SoundNote and related functions that specifies the relative volume of the sound produced.
An integration strategy is an algorithm that attempts to compute integral estimates that satisfy user-specified precision or accuracy goals. An integration strategy normally ...
TraditionalForm differs from StandardForm, the default format for input and output. It is important to understand that TraditionalForm expressions cannot always be provided ...
WaveletScalogram[wd] plots wavelet vector coefficients in a DiscreteWaveletData or ContinuousWaveletData object wd.WaveletScalogram[wd, wind] plots wavelet coefficients ...
CompleteGraph[n] gives the complete graph with n vertices K_n.CompleteGraph[{n_1, n_2, ..., n_k}] gives the complete k-partite graph with n_1 + n_2 + \[CenterEllipsis] + n_k ...
HararyGraph[k, n] generates the minimal k-connected graph on n vertices H k, n.