ShowPageBreaks is a notebook option that specifies whether to indicate in the on-screen display of a notebook where page breaks would occur if the notebook were printed.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Smaller is a style or option setting that specifies that objects should be smaller.
SphericalRegion is an option for three-dimensional graphics functions that specifies whether the final image should be scaled so that a sphere drawn around the ...
StateSpaceRealization is an option to StateSpaceModel that specifies its canonical representation.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Stub is an attribute which specifies that if a symbol is ever used, Needs should automatically be called on the context of the symbol.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Style[expr, options] displays with expr formatted using the specified option settings. Style[expr, " style"] uses the option settings for the specified style in the current ...
VectorScale is an option to VectorPlot, ListVectorPlot, and related functions that determines the length and arrowhead size of field vectors that are drawn.
VertexNormals is an option for graphics primitives which specifies the normal directions to assign to 3D vertices.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Xor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical XOR (exclusive OR) function. It gives True if an odd number of the e_i are True, and the rest are False. It gives False if an even number of ...
$VersionNumber is a real number which gives the current Mathematica kernel version number, and increases in successive versions.