HurwitzZeta[s, a] gives the Hurwitz zeta function \[Zeta](s, a).
MorphologicalComponents[image] gives an array in which each pixel of image is replaced by an integer index representing the connected foreground image component in which the ...
PowerMod[a, b, m] gives a^b mod m. PowerMod[a, -1, m] finds the modular inverse of a modulo m.PowerMod[a, 1/r, m] finds a modular r\[Null]^th root of a.
The method "DoubleStep" performs a single application of Richardson's extrapolation for any one-step integration method. Although it is not always optimal, it is a general ...
Ways to construct nested lists. This generates a table corresponding to a 2×3 nested list. This generates an array corresponding to the same nested list.
InverseSurvivalFunction[dist, q] gives the inverse of the survival function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable q.
An integration rule computes an estimate of an integral over a region, typically using a weighted sum. In the context of NIntegrate usage, an integration rule object provides ...
FromAdjacencyMatrix[m] constructs a graph from a given adjacency matrix m, using a circular embedding. FromAdjacencyMatrix[m, v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Blend[{col_1, col_2}, x] gives a color obtained by blending a fraction 1 - x of color col_1 and x of color col_2.Blend[{col_1, col_2, col_3, ...}, x] linearly interpolates ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs == rhs returns True if lhs and rhs are identical.