(Mathematica Import/Export Format) JavaView 3D geometry format. Native format of the JavaView visualization software. Used for the visualization of 2D or 3D geometries. Can be embedded in web pages and viewed ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-sdf MDL molecule model files. Used in cheminformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging 3D molecule models. Plain text tabular ...
DifferenceRootReduce[expr, n] attempts to reduce expr to a single DifferenceRoot object as a function of n.
QRDecomposition[m] yields the QR decomposition for a numerical matrix m. The result is a list {q, r}, where q is an orthogonal matrix and r is an upper-triangular matrix.
GegenbauerC[n, m, x] gives the Gegenbauer polynomial C_n^(m)(x). GegenbauerC[n, x] gives the renormalized form lim_(m->0) C_n^(m)(x)/m.
SixJSymbol[{j_1, j_2, j_3}, {j_4, j_5, j_6}] gives the values of the Racah 6-j symbol.
RandomReal[] gives a pseudorandom real number in the range 0 to 1. RandomReal[{x_min, x_max}] gives a pseudorandom real number in the range x_min to x_max. RandomReal[x_max] ...
RiemannSiegelTheta[t] gives the Riemann\[Dash]Siegel function \[CurlyTheta](t).
The Wolfram Lightweight Grid System provides functions for launching and managing remote kernels, one part of a complete Mathematica^® parallel computing environment. With ...
AiryAiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Airy function Ai^\[Prime] (z).