While most built-in Mathematica functions follow the standard evaluation procedure, some important ones do not. For example, most of the Mathematica functions associated with ...
Mathematica contains hundreds of original algorithms for computing integer functions involving integers of any size.
EquationTrekker[eqn, x, {t, t_min, t_max}] opens a graphical interface for specifying initial conditions and plotting the resulting numerical solution to the first or second ...
ChebyshevU[n, x] gives the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind U_n (x).
Terraservice.net is a website that provides access to aerial imagery and topographical maps of the United States. A web service has been provided that allows developers to ...
Likelihood[dist, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the likelihood function for observations x_1, x_2, ... from the distribution dist.
TransferFunctionModel[m, var] represents the model of the transfer-function matrix m with complex variable var.TransferFunctionModel[{num, den}, var] specifies the numerator ...
HypergeometricU[a, b, z] is the confluent hypergeometric function U(a, b, z).
The hypergeometric functions play a unifying role in mathematical analysis since many important functions, such as the Bessel functions and Legendre functions, are special ...
FixedPointList[f, expr] generates a list giving the results of applying f repeatedly, starting with expr, until the results no longer change.