$Inspector is a global variable which gives a function to apply when the inspector is invoked from an interrupt menu.
GUIKit definitions are defined as a hierarchy of widgets, whether they are defined in the Mathematica expression format or in the XML format, GUIKitXML. A single ...
In addition to its graphical results, Wolfram|Alpha can provide alternative representations that contain additional information or are well suited to particular tasks. These ...
Mathematically, sufficient conditions for a local minimum of a smooth function are quite straightforward: x^* is a local minimum if ∇f(x^*)=0 and the Hessian ∇^2f(x^*) is ...
ContourPlot3D[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, {z, z_min, z_max}] produces a three-dimensional contour plot of f as a function of x, y, and z. ContourPlot3D[f == g, ...
MathLink allows you to exchange data of any type with external programs. For more common types of data, you simply need to give appropriate :ArgumentTypes: or :ReturnType: ...
Graphics3D[primitives, options] represents a three-dimensional graphical image.
SQLExecute allows SQL statements to be executed. Statements can be used to select data, create tables, insert data, update data, remove data, and drop tables. The statement ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cos[z] gives the cosine of z.
This example displays a dialog for finding prime numbers and alerting the user when any entered expression evaluates to a prime number. The modal version also shows how ...