Widgets created within a user interface definition can be named and registered in an object registry for easy lookup reference by script code and other widgets. Complete ...
ZTransform[expr, n, z] gives the Z transform of expr. ZTransform[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {z_1, z_2, ...}] gives the multidimensional Z transform of expr.
ColorSetter[color] represents a color setter which displays as a swatch of the specified color and when clicked brings up a system color picker ...
FieldInd[e] gives the value of the discrete logarithm of e.
Ways to change the overall options for a notebook. This creates a notebook displayed in a 40×30 window with a thin frame. Style options for a notebook.
A field is an algebraic structure obeying the rules of ordinary arithmetic. In particular, a field has binary operations of addition and multiplication, both of which are ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Zoom[{i, j, k, ...}] is a value that the PlotRange option can take on in ShowGraph. Setting PlotRange to this value zooms the display to contain the specified subset of ...
ActivateWindow is an option to DoNETModeless that specifies whether to make the window visible.
ContentPadding is an option for objects that can be displayed with frames that specifies whether the vertical margins should shrink wrap tightly around the contents.
$InputFileName is a global variable whose value is the absolute file name of the input file from which input to Mathematica is currently being sought.