Finding lines that contain specified text. Here is a file containing some text. This returns a list of all the lines in the file containing the text is.
SignificanceLevel is an option to hypothesis test functions that specifies the significance level for the test.
MultivariateSkewness[matrix] gives a multivariate coefficient of skewness for matrix. is a MathLink template file.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Abort[] generates an interrupt to abort a computation.
OutputControllableModelQ[ss] gives True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is output controllable, and False otherwise.
CUDATotal[vec] gives the total of the absolute value of a vector vec.
DatabaseLink provides functions for working with data stored in tables in SQL databases. Operations such as searching, inserting, and deleting are supported. They also ...
int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint*pres) gets an element from an MTensor of integer type.
[AB04] Abell, M. L. and J. P. Braselton. Differential Equations with Mathematica. (3rd ed.) Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. [A89] Abramov, S. A. "Rational Solutions of Linear ...