Unicode: 2232. Alias: Esc ccint Esc. Compound operator. ∲ f x is by default interpreted as ClockwiseContourIntegral[f,x].
Unicode: 2318. Alias: Esc cl Esc. Letter-like form. Used on Macintosh and other computers to indicate command keys.
Unicode: 2663. Letter-like form.
Unicode: F7DA. Alias: Esc cc Esc.
Unicode: 222E. Alias: Esc cint Esc. Compound operator. ∮ f x is by default interpreted as ContourIntegral[f,x].
Unicode: 00A9. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 2233. Alias: Esc cccint Esc. Compound operator. ∳ f x is by default interpreted as CounterClockwiseContourIntegral[f,x].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 2323. Infix operator. x ⌣ y is by default interpreted as Cup[x,y]. Used in pure mathematics to mean cup product.
Unicode: 03D2. Aliases: Esc cU Esc, Esc cUpsilon Esc. Greek letter. Not commonly used. Used in astronomy for mass to light ratio.
Unicode: 03F0. Aliases: Esc ck Esc, Esc ckappa Esc. Greek letter.