CellHorizontalScrolling is an option for cells that specifies whether the contents of a cell can be scrolled from left to right using the horizontal scroll bar of the ...
LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, r] convolves image with a Laplacian-of-Gaussian kernel of pixel radius r.LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, {r, \[Sigma]}] convolves image with a ...
LineGraph[g] gives the line graph of the graph g.
$ImagingDevices gives a list of available imaging devices.
$SoundDisplayFunction gives the default setting for the option DisplayFunction in sound functions.
$SystemWordLength gives the effective number of bits in raw machine words on the computer system where Mathematica is running.
Differentiation Total Derivatives Derivatives of Unknown Functions
Introduction Linear Optimization Numerical Nonlinear Local Optimization
"How to" Topics Building Up Calculations Lists
Introduction Exploring Data Formats Interactively Obtaining Data Formats Programmatically