HermiteDecomposition[m] gives the Hermite normal form decomposition of an integer matrix m.
IncidenceMatrix[g] gives the vertex-edge incidence matrix of the graph g.
InputForm[expr] prints as a version of expr suitable for input to Mathematica.
PrivateNotebookOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for notebooks that specifies various low-level notebook settings.
The representation of algebraic numbers. When you enter a Root object, the polynomial that appears in it is automatically reduced to a minimal form. This extracts the pure ...
Many programs you write will involve operations that need to be iterated several times. Nest and NestList are powerful constructs for doing this. Applying functions of one ...
The general form of a linear second-order PDE is Here uu(x,y), and a, b, c, d, e, f, and g are functions of x and y only—they do not depend on u. If g0, the equation is ...
Content in a Mathematica notebook is organized in cells. Each cell has a cell bracket that appears along the right edge of the notebook window. Markings on a cell bracket ...
Mathematica supports operations on matrices of any size and has a range of input methods appropriate for different needs, from small formatted matrices via keyboard or ...
ContinuedFraction[x, n] generates a list of the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x. ContinuedFraction[x] generates a list of all terms that can be ...