Continuing to build on Mathematica's unified architecture, Version 6.0 deepens and broadens Mathematica's ability to import and export data in a large number of different ...
Mathematica has integrated interactive and programmatic access to the full power of the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine, using it to allow free-form linguistic ...
The unified architecture of Mathematica is highly extensible, allowing you to connect to other systems and programs. Using the MathLink communication protocol, which operates ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) TLE geospatial file format. Satellite data format. Stores Keplerian parameters of satellite orbits. TLE is an acronym for Two Line Element. ASCII format. Developed by the ...
monitorlm servername options monitors MathLM running on servername.
BoxFrame is an option for FrameBox objects that specifies whether to draw a frame around the contents of the box.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Center is a symbol that represents the center for purposes of alignment and positioning.
CornerNeighbors is an option for various array and image processing functions that specifies whether diagonally adjacent corners should be considered neighbors of particular ...
FileNameDepth["file"] gives the number of path elements in the file name " file".
ImageCapture[] opens a graphical user interface for capturing images from connected cameras.