ShrinkingDelay is an option for dynamic objects that specifies how long to delay before shrinking the size of the region in which the object is displayed to the actual size ...
## represents the sequence of arguments supplied to a pure function. ## n represents the sequence of arguments supplied to a pure function, starting with the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) StringQ[expr] gives True if expr is a string, and False otherwise.
x - y is equivalent to x + (-1*y).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Symbol["name"] refers to a symbol with the specified name.
SyntaxInformation[f] gives information used to generate syntax coloring and other advisories when f[...] is entered as input.
TraceOriginal is an option for Trace and related functions which specifies whether to test the form of each expression before its head and arguments are evaluated.
Translate[g, {x, y, ...}] represents graphics primitives g translated by the vector {x, y, ...}. Translate[g, {{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...}] represents multiple ...
Transparent represents perfect transparency in graphics or style specifications.
VertexDegree[g] gives the list of vertex degrees for all vertices in the graph g.VertexDegree[g, v] gives the vertex degree for the vertex v.