SeriesData[x, x_0, {a_0, a_1, ...}, n_min, n_max, den] represents a power series in the variable x about the point x_0. The a_i are the coefficients in the power series. The ...
Spacings is an option to Grid and related constructs that specifies the spacings to leave between successive objects.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sphere[{x, y, z}, r] represents a sphere of radius r centered at (x, y, z). Sphere[{x, y, z}] represents a sphere of radius 1. Sphere[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Xor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical XOR (exclusive OR) function. It gives True if an odd number of the e_i are True, and the rest are False. It gives False if an even number of ...
Mathematica allows you to export graphics and sounds in a wide variety of formats. If you use the notebook front end for Mathematica, then you can typically just copy and ...
Spheroidal functions. The radial spheroidal functions SpheroidalS1[n,m, γ,z] and SpheroidalS2[n,m,γ,z] and angular spheroidal functions SpheroidalPS[n,m,γ,z] and ...
NumberForm[expr, n] prints with approximate real numbers in expr given to n-digit precision.
OrderStarZeros is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies whether zeros of an approximant and the function to be approximated should be displayed.
The functions defined in ResonanceAbsorptionLines` allow you to efficiently search through an atomic data table for resonance absorption lines. Other functions give ...