expr /. rules applies a rule or list of rules in an attempt to transform each subpart of an expression expr.
ScalingMatrix[{s_x, s_y, ...}] gives the matrix corresponding to scaling by a factor s_i along each coordinate axis.ScalingMatrix[s, v] gives the matrix corresponding to ...
SetAttributes[s, attr] adds attr to the list of attributes of the symbol s.
SplineKnots is an option for B-spline functions and graphics primitives that specifies the positions of knots.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) UnitBox[x] represents the unit box function, equal to 1 for |x| <= 1/2 and 0 otherwise.UnitBox[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit box function, equal to 1 if ...
UnitTriangle[x] represents the unit triangle function on the interval |x| <= 1 .UnitTriangle[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit triangle function on the ...
XMLObject["type"] represents the head of an XML object in symbolic XML.
$CommandLine is a list of strings giving the elements of the original operating system command line with which Mathematica was invoked.
Structural Operations on Polynomials Finding the Structure of a Polynomial Polynomial Orderings
In an expression like f[{a,b,c}] you are giving a list as the argument to a function. Often you need instead to apply a function directly to the elements of a list, rather ...