DampingConstant[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, damping} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and damping is the natural damping constant of the ...
OscillatorStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the oscillator strength of the ...
RelativeStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the relative strength of the ...
TransitionProbability[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, prob} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and prob is the spontaneous transition probability ...
Mathematica provides high-performance reading and writing of binary data, to both files and pipes. A convenient symbolic format representation makes it straightforward to ...
Continued fractions can be thought of as an alternative to digit sequences for representing numbers, based on division rather than multiplication by a base. Studied ...
Capabilities that define a new kind of dynamic interactive computing.
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
With Mathematica, the enormous parallel processing power of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) can be used from an integrated built-in interface. Incorporating GPU technology ...