PauliMatrix[k] gives the k\[Null]^th Pauli spin matrix \[Sigma]_k.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Point[coords] is a graphics primitive that represents a point. Point[{coords_1, coords_2, ...}] represents a collection of points.
PrimitiveRoot[n] gives the smallest primitive root of n.
PrintingStartingPageNumber is an option for notebooks that specifies what number to assign to the first page of a notebook when printed.
expr //. rules repeatedly performs replacements until expr no longer changes.
RogersTanimotoDissimilarity[u, v] gives the Rogers\[Dash]Tanimoto dissimilarity between Boolean vectors u and v.
RotateRight[expr, n] cycles the elements in expr n positions to the right. RotateRight[expr] cycles one position to the right. RotateRight[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}] cycles ...
ScientificForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in scientific notation. ScientificForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
SectorSpacing is an option to PieChart and related functions that specifies radial spacing of sectors.
SelfLoopStyle is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that specifies how to draw self-loops that connect a vertex to itself.