ExponentStep is an option for NumberForm and related functions that determines in what steps exponents are taken to increase when scientific notation is used.
FileNameDialogSettings -> {opt -> val} is a global option that specifies settings for the Insert File Path dialog box.
FindGeometricTransform[pts_1, pts_2] finds a geometric transformation between two geometries pts_1 and pts_2, returning the alignment error together with the transformation ...
ItemAspectRatio is an option for GraphicsGrid which specifies the ratio of height to width for the regions in which items are placed in the graphics grid.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Locked is an attribute that, once assigned, prevents modification of any attributes of a symbol.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NameQ["string"] yields True if there are any symbols whose names match the string pattern given, and yields False otherwise.
NumberString represents the characters of a number in StringExpression.
OutputStream["name", n] is an object that represents an output stream for functions such as Write.
p?test is a pattern object that stands for any expression which matches p, and on which the application of test gives True.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pause[n] pauses for at least n seconds.