CFunction[type, name, args, body] is a symbolic representation of a function definition.CFunction[type, name, args] is a symbolic representation of a function declaration.
COperator[oper, arg_1, ...] is a symbolic representation of an operator.
CPreprocessorIfdef[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor ifdef conditional.CPreprocessorIfdef[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
CPreprocessorIf[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor if conditional.CPreprocessorIf[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
CPreprocessorIfndef[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor ifndef conditional.CPreprocessorIfndef[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
SymbolicC supports the various types of C operators. These are described in this section. First, you need to load the package. The following shows how to output to get infix ...
New functions RegionPlot and RegionPlot3D have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. RegionPlot includes the functionality of InequalityPlot. RegionPlot3D includes ...
NonlinearRegress functionality is now available using the built-in function NonlinearModelFit.
LinkRanks[g] gives the link ranks of the directed graph g as a rule list.