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NextBinarySubset   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NextBinarySubset[l, s] constructs the subset of l following subset s in the order obtained by interpreting subsets as binary string representations of integers.
NormalizeVertices   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NormalizeVertices[v] gives a list of vertices with a similar embedding as v but with the coordinates of all points scaled to be between 0 and 1.
NumberOfDirectedGraphs   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NumberOfDirectedGraphs[n] returns the number of nonisomorphic directed graphs with n vertices. NumberOfDirectedGraphs[n, m] returns the number of nonisomorphic directed ...
NumberOfGraphs   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NumberOfGraphs[n] returns the number of nonisomorphic undirected graphs with n vertices. NumberOfGraphs[n, m] returns the number of nonisomorphic undirected graphs with n ...
OddGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
OddGraph[n] returns the graph whose vertices are the size-(n - 1) subsets of a size-(2 nTraditionalForm\`\[Dash]1) set and whose edges connect pairs of vertices that ...
Partitions   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Partitions[n] constructs all partitions of integer n in reverse lexicographic order. Partitions[n, k] constructs all partitions of the integer n with maximum part at most k, ...
PerfectQ   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
PerfectQ[g] yields True if g is a perfect graph, meaning that for every induced subgraph of g the size of a largest clique equals the chromatic number.
PermuteSubgraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
PermuteSubgraph[g, p] permutes the vertices of a subgraph of g induced by p according to p.
RandomKSetPartition   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
RandomKSetPartition[set, k] returns a random set partition of set with k blocks. RandomKSetPartition[n, k] returns a random set partition of the first n natural numbers into ...
RandomSetPartition   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
RandomSetPartition[set] returns a random set partition of set. RandomSetPartition[n] returns a random set partition of the first n natural numbers.
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