HertzToCents[{freq_1, freq_2, ...}] converts a list of frequencies freq_1, freq_2, ..., measured in Hertz to a list of intervals measured in cents.
ButcherPlotColumns is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies the number of columns in the array of Butcher tree plots.
ButcherTreeCount[p] gives a list of the number of trees through order p.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherTrees[p] gives a list, partitioned by order, of the trees for any Runge\[Dash]Kutta method of order p.
AccelerationDueToGravity is the acceleration of a body freely falling in a vacuum on Earth at sea level.
AgeOfUniverse is the age of the universe, a physical constant.
BoltzmannConstant is the ratio of the universal gas constant (MolarGasConstant) to Avogadro's number (AvogadroConstant).
CosmicBackgroundTemperature is the temperature of the cosmic background radiation.
DeuteronMass is the mass of a deuteron.
EarthRadius is the radius of Earth, a physical constant.