FaradayConstant is the product of the Avogadro constant (AvogadroConstant) and the elementary charge (ElectronCharge).
MolarVolume is the volume occupied by a mole or a gram molecular weight of any gas measured at standard conditions.
(Physical Constants Package Symbol) MuonMass is the mass of a muon.
NeutronMass is the mass of a neutron.
ProtonMass is the mass of a proton.
RydbergConstant is an atomic constant appearing in the Rydberg formula expressing the wave-numbers of the lines in a spectral series.
SpeedOfSound is the speed of sound at sea level in the standard atmosphere.
VacuumPermeability is the permeability of vacuum, a universal constant.
VacuumPermittivity is the permittivity of vacuum, a universal constant.