DatabaseLink provides a number of functions for connection to an SQL database. It also supports a resource mechanism that allows the details of how the connection is set up ...
JavaShow[window] causes the specified Java window to be brought to the foreground, so that it appears in front of notebook windows.
CastNETObject[obj, type] casts the specified object to a different type.
Welcome to .NET/Link, a product that integrates Mathematica and Microsoft's .NET platform. .NET/Link lets you call .NET from Mathematica in a completely transparent way, and ...
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
(Graph Utilities Package Symbol) MinCut[g, k] partitions the undirected graph g into k parts where the number of edge cuts is approximately minimized.
PageRanks[g] give the page rank of the graph g as a rule list.
int MLGetInteger16Array (MLINK link, short ** a, int ** dims, char ***heads, int *d) gets an array of 16-bit integers from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing ...
int MLGetInteger32List (MLINK link, int ** a, int *n) gets a list of 32-bit integers from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the integers in the array a and ...
int MLGetIntegerArray (MLINK link, int ** a, long ** dims, char ***heads, long *d) gets an array of integers from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the array ...