The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...
MaximalIndepndentEdgeSet[g] gives a maximal independent edge set of an undirected graph g.
int MLTestHead (MLINK link, const char *head, int *n) tests that the next object to be read from link is an expression with head head, and stores the number of arguments of ...
FourierSequenceTransform[expr, n, \[Omega]] gives the Fourier sequence transform of expr.FourierSequenceTransform[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, ...}] gives ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x < y yields True if x is determined to be less than y. x_1 < x_2 < x_3 yields True if the x_i form a strictly increasing sequence.
LinearProgramming[c, m, b] finds a vector x that minimizes the quantity c.x subject to the constraints m.x >= b and x >= 0. LinearProgramming[c, m, {{b_1, s_1}, {b_2, s_2}, ...
VertexEccentricity[g, s] gives the length of the longest shortest path from the source s to every other vertex in the graph g.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol for providing secure transactions between servers and clients. It uses a certificate to identify one or both ends of the transaction. ...
Algebraic is now available as the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function AlgebraicNumber. ToCommonField and ToNumberFieldElement are now available as the newly ...
FilledCurve[{segment_1, segment_2, ...}] represents a filled curve consisting of segment_1 followed by segment_2 etc. FilledCurve[{component_1, component_2, ...}] represents ...