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MLBytesToPut()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLBytesToPut (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes remaining to be written in the textual representation of the current data, and stores the result in n.
MLPutInteger16List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutInteger16List (MLINK link, short *a, int n) puts a list of n 16-bit integers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MLPutInteger16()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutInteger16 (MLINK link, int i) puts the 16-bit integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MLPutInteger32List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutInteger32List (MLINK link, int *a, int n) puts a list of n 32-bit integers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MLPutInteger32()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutInteger32 (MLINK link, int i) puts the 32-bit integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MLPutReal128List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutReal128List (MLINK link, mlextended_double *a, int n) puts a list of n extended-precision floating-point numbers starting from location a to the MathLink connection ...
MLPutReal32List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutReal32List (MLINK link, float *a, int n) puts a list of n single-precision floating-point numbers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by ...
MLPutReal64List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLPutReal64List (MLINK link, double *a, int n) puts a list of n double-precision floating-point numbers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by ...
NSeries   (Numerical Calculus Package Symbol)
NSeries[f, {x, x_0, n}] gives a numerical approximation to the series expansion of f about the point x = x_0 including the terms (x - x_0) -n through (x - x_0) n.
NVCCCompiler   (CUDALink Package Symbol)
CreateLibrary[src, name, "Compiler" -> NVCCCompiler] compiles a string of CUDA code in src into a library and returns the full path to the library.CreateLibrary [{ file, ...
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