GravityAcceleration[altitude] gives the 45-degree-latitude acceleration of gravity at the specified altitude altitude.
MeanDensity[altitude] gives the mean density of air at the specified altitude altitude.
SoundSpeed[altitude] gives the speed of sound at the specified altitude altitude.
ThermalConductivityCoefficient[altitude] gives the coefficient of thermal conductivity at the specified altitude altitude.
BoxOrientation is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies the orientation of the boxes.
Abampere is a unit of electric current in the CGS system.
Abcoulomb is a unit of electric charge in the CGS system.
Abfarad is a unit of electric capacitance in the CGS system.
Abhenry is a unit of inductance in the CGS system.
(Units Package Symbol) Abohm is a unit of electric resistance in the CGS system.