Chini equations are a generalization of Abel and Riccati equations. This solves a Chini equation.
A linear second-order ordinary differential equation is said to be exact if An exact linear second-order ODE is solved by reduction to a linear first-order ODE.
To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network, and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
If you want to make use of Mathematica output in an external file such as a program or document, you will often find it useful to "splice" the output automatically into the ...
[AN96] Adams, L. and J. L. Nazareth. (Eds.) Linear and Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient-Related Methods. SIAM, 1996. [Br02] Brent, R. P. Algorithms for Minimization without ...
Type 2+2 and then press Shift+Enter (hold down the Shift key and press Enter) to tell Mathematica to evaluate your input. Note that labels are added automatically, and output ...
SQLColumnPrivileges[conn] returns a table of access rights about the columns in an SQL connection.
SQLTableExportedKeys[conn] returns a table of foreign key descriptions that reference the table's primary key.
SQLTableImportedKeys[conn] returns a table of primary key descriptions that are referenced by the table's foreign key.
SQLTableIndexInformation[conn] returns a table of indices and statistics for a table.