RationalInterpolation[expr, {x, m, n}, {x_1, x_2, ..., x n + m + 1}] gives the rational interpolant to expr with numerator order m and denominator order n, where x_1, x_2, ...
(Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol) Cluster[c_1, c_2, d, n_1, n_2] represents a merger of the clusters c_1 and c_2 with dissimilarity d and n_1 and n_2 data elements respectively.
TruncateDendrogram is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the fusion levels at which to truncate the dendrogram.
(Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol) MeanCI[list] gives a confidence interval for the population mean estimated from list.
VarianceCI[list] gives a confidence interval for the population variance estimated from list.
JustMajor is an interval list for the Just Major scale.
LegendBorder is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of the line surrounding key boxes and text in a legend.
LegendLabelSpace is an option for Legend, which specifies the space for LegendLabel.
LegendShadow is an option for Legend which specifies the shadowing drawn around the legend.
LegendTextOffset is an option for Legend, which specifies the offset of text next to the key box.