OutputSizeLimit is an option for notebooks which specifies the maximum size in bytes of expressions that will automatically be output in their entirety.
PlotLabel is an option for graphics functions that specifies an overall label for a plot.
PriceGraphDistribution[n, k, a] represents a de Solla Price graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step using attractiveness ...
lhs :> rhs or lhs :> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs, evaluating rhs only after the rule is used.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs -> rhs or lhs -> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs.
RuntimeAttributes is an option for Compile that specifies attributes for the compiled function it creates.
TransferFunctionFactor[tf] factors the polynomial terms in the numerators and denominators of the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
TrigToExp[expr] converts trigonometric functions in expr to exponentials.
VertexReplace[g, {v_1 -> w_1, v_2 -> w_2, ...}] replaces each vertex v_i in the graph g by w_i.
SymbolicCUDAFunction[name, args] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA function declaration.SymbolicCUDAFunction[name, args, body] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA ...