CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
DatabaseLink has functions for working with the tables of data in a database. It can create and drop tables, as well as fetch information about the organization of tables in ...
DataSourceNames[] returns a list of the names of data sources made available through DatabaseResourcesPath.
JDBCDriverNames[] returns a list of the names of databases for which JDBC drivers are available through DatabaseResourcesPath.
DefineNETDelegate[name, rtype, ptypes] creates a new .NET delegate type with the given name name, return type rtype, and parameter types ptypes.
NETBlock[expr] causes all new .NET objects returned to Mathematica during the evaluation of expr to be released when expr finishes.
NETNewDelegate[type, func] creates a new instance of the specified .NET delegate type whose action is to call the named Mathematica function when triggered.
ShowNETWindow[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground.
SymbolicOpenCLFunction[name, args] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL function declaration.SymbolicOpenCLFunction[name, args, body] is a symbolic representation of an ...
TetGenGetEdges[expr] gets the edges in a TetGen expression.