OrderStarKind is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the type of order star to be displayed.
HighlightLevel is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the level at which to highlight the dendrogram.
HighlightStyle is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the style for highlighted clusters.
ButcherColumnConditions[p, s] gives the column-simplifying conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherColumnConditions[p] gives the column-simplifying ...
ButcherQuadratureConditions[p, s] gives the quadrature conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherQuadratureConditions[p] gives the quadrature conditions in ...
ButcherRowConditions[p, s] gives the row-simplifying conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherRowConditions[p] gives the row-simplifying conditions in ...
ButcherTreeSimplify[p, \[Eta], \[Xi]] gives the set of trees through order p that are not reduced by Butcher's quadrature conditions through order p, row-simplifying ...
$ContinuousExtension is a global environment setting, specifying whether to generate conditions for continuous extensions of Runge\[Dash]Kutta methods.
$RungeKuttaMethod is a global environment setting, specifying the type of method to be generated by ButcherPhi and related functions.
SolarConstant is the rate at which solar radiation is received outside Earth's atmosphere on a surface normal to the incident radiation and at Earth's mean distance from the ...