Get Indices displays the approximate coordinate values of the mouse position.
$KernelID is a unique ID number assigned to each running parallel kernel.
ImageMultiply[image, x] multiplies each channel value in image by a factor x.ImageMultiply[image_1, image_2] gives an image in which each pixel is the product of the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Image[data] represents a raster image with pixel values given by the array data.Image[graphics] creates a raster image from a graphics object. Image[obj, options] gives an ...
Some integer functions. The remainder on dividing 17 by 3. The integer part of 17/3.
Mathematica can export tables of numerical and textual data to any common spreadsheet file format or as formatted text. It can also import from such formats to give ...
ContourDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to the zeros and zero crossings in image.ContourDetect[image, delta] treats values in image that ...
Sometimes you may want to set up functions where certain arguments, if omitted, are given "default values". The pattern x_:v stands for an object that can be omitted, and if ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Full is a setting used for certain options, typically indicating that a full range of values should be included.