ValidationLength is an option to FindSequenceFunction and related functions that specifies the number of elements in the input sequence that should be used to validate a ...
In many computations you are concerned only with the final result of evaluating the expression given as input. But sometimes you also want to collect expressions that were ...
EntropyFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the information entropy of the values in its range r neighborhood. EntropyFilter[data, r] applies entropy ...
At the core of Mathematica is its highly developed symbolic language, which unifies a broad range of programming paradigms and uses its unique concept of symbolic programming ...
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Finding elements that match a pattern. This gives the elements of the list which match the pattern x^_. Here is the total number of elements which match the pattern.
Density and contour plots. This gives a density plot of sin(x) sin(y). Lighter regions show higher values of the function. Some options for DensityPlot.