The unified architecture of Mathematica is highly extensible, allowing you to connect to other systems and programs. Using the MathLink communication protocol, which operates ...
InputForm converts the selection to Mathematica InputForm.
QuickTime converts the selected graphics cells into a Macintosh QuickTime animation (Macintosh only).
OutputForm converts the selection to Mathematica OutputForm.
Transparency is useful in plots when you need an unobstructed view of multiple components of one plot, or simply want to lighten a single plot component against a white ...
Important points to remember in Mathematica. If you have used other computer systems before, you will probably notice some similarities and some differences. Often you will ...
Mathematica includes many controls and structures related to controls as part of its core language. These control objects are supported in a completely seamless way ...
Mathematica provides functions for the aesthetic drawing of graphs. Algorithms implemented include spring embedding, spring-electrical embedding, high-dimensional embedding, ...
The essence of most methods is in the local quadratic model that is used to determine the next step. The FindMinimum function in Mathematica has five essentially different ...
As the world's most extensive programmatic mathematical typesetting system, Mathematica provides a range of controls over the details of layout and rendering.