There are many ways to use symbols in Mathematica. Here we use symbols as 'tags' for different types of objects. Working with physical units gives one simple example. When ...
Mathematica allows you to use special notation for many common operators. For example, although internally Mathematica represents a sum of two terms as Plus[x,y], you can ...
Numerical solution of differential equations. This generates a numerical solution to the equation y^′(x)y(x) with 0<x<2. The result is given in terms of an ...
Systems of ODEs are important in various fields of science, such as the study of electricity and population biology. Like single ODEs, systems of ODEs can classified as ...
There are some close connections between finding a "local minimum" and solving a set of nonlinear equations. Given a set of n equations in n unknowns, seeking a solution r(x) ...
Create Animations Build an Interactive Application Import and Export Animations
Work with Variables and Functions Work with Lists Work with Rules
Use Curated Data Clean up Data Imported from a Website Clean up Data Imported from a ZIP File
Manipulate is an extremely powerful function that immediately creates complete dynamic interfaces, automatically optimized for usability and appearance. For specific ...
LinkWrite[link, expr] writes expr to the specified MathLink connection.