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OutputNamePacket   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
OutputNamePacket[string] is a MathLink packet that contains in string the name assigned to the next output.
GUIKit Example: RealTimeAlgebra   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
Here is an implementation of the RealTimeAlgebra J/Link example. You can also interact with the dialog in a modeless session.
Find Out Why Mathematica Beeped   (Mathematica How To)
Mathematica usually works silently, giving output only when it has finished doing the calculations you asked for. However, Mathematica will produce an audible beep when the ...
FileDialog   (GUIKit Package)
Widget["FileDialog"] represents an Open or Save dialog.
When you see a two-dimensional expression on the screen, you can edit it much as you would edit text. You can for example place your cursor somewhere and start typing. Or you ...
AllowInlineCells   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AllowInlineCells is an option for cells that specifies whether inline cells are permitted within a cell.
AnimationDisplayTime   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AnimationDisplayTime is an option for Cell that specifies the minimum time in seconds for which a cell should be displayed in the course of an animation that runs through a ...
BeginDialogPacket   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BeginDialogPacket[integer] is a MathLink packet that indicates the start of the Dialog subsession referenced by integer.
XHTMLMathML   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
Registered MIME type: application/xhtml+xml XHTML with embedded MathML. Plain text XML format. Describes the structure and aspects of the appearance of web pages, including ...
Interrupting Calculations   (Mathematica Tutorial)
There will probably be times when you want to stop Mathematica in the middle of a calculation. Perhaps you realize that you asked Mathematica to do the wrong thing. Or ...
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