If you use your computer via a purely graphical interface, you will typically double-click the Mathematica icon to start Mathematica. If you use your computer via a textually ...
long MLToLinkID (MLINK link) returns the ID number of link.
Expressions in Mathematica can be represented as strings in a variety of ways, for display, export, or processing. Mathematica provides powerful functions for formatting ...
PaletteNotebook[{cell_1, cell_2, ...}] represents a palette notebook that can be manipulated by the Mathematica front end.
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture allows immediate generalization of part-oriented list operations to arbitrary expressions —supporting operations both on ...
Mathematica automatically handles hundreds of data formats and subformats—all coherently integrated through Mathematica's uniform use of symbolic expressions. For each ...
LegendTextSpace is an option for Legend, which specifies the space in the legend box for text.
Mathematica supports hyperbolic functions everywhere in the complex plane—with careful attention to branch cuts—and provides an extensive web of exact and algebraic ...
Functions relating real numbers and integers. Extracting integer and fractional parts. IntegerPart[x] and FractionalPart[x] can be thought of as extracting digits to the left ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME types: application/tar and application/x-tar TAR archive file format. Combines collections of files in a single archive. Popular on Unix systems. Often used in ...