(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Except[c] is a pattern object which represents any expression except one that matches c. Except[c, p] represents any expression that matches p but not c.
Add/Remove Cell Tags opens a dialog box that allows you to add or remove cell tags associated with the selected cell(s).
Mathematica notebooks consist of sequences of cells. The hierarchy of cells serves as a structure for organizing the information in a notebook, as well as specifying the ...
FilePrint["file"] prints out the raw textual contents of file.
SetPropertyValue[name, value] sets a widget property value.SetPropertyValue[{target, name}, value] or SetPropertyValue[{target, name} -> value] sets a widget property value, ...
This example uses Widget["ColorChooser"] and includes sample code demonstrating how to
Here are a few examples that demonstrate building user interfaces with the GUIKit framework. Hello World—The classic simple application written with GUIKit. Simple Slider
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Table[expr, {i_max}] generates a list of i_max copies of expr. Table[expr, {i, i_max}] generates a list of the values of expr when i runs from 1 to i_max. Table[expr, {i, ...
Widgets are the basic component of GUIs built with GUIKit. This tutorial discusses some of the basics of widgets and how they work. More detailed information on widgets can ...
In the standard notebook front end, Mathematica allows you to set a large number of global options. The values of all these options are by default saved in a "preferences ...