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BoltzmannConstant   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
BoltzmannConstant is the ratio of the universal gas constant (MolarGasConstant) to Avogadro's number (AvogadroConstant).
PlanckConstant   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
PlanckConstant is a universal constant of nature which relates the energy of a quantum of radiation to the frequency of the oscillator which emitted it.
SpeedOfLight   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
SpeedOfLight is the speed of light in a vacuum, a universal constant.
StefanConstant   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
StefanConstant is the Stefan\[Dash]Boltzmann constant, a universal constant of proportionality between the radiant emittance of a black body and the fourth power of the ...
Deploy   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Deploy[expr] yields a deployed version of expr in which elements such as Slider, InputField, Locator, and Button are active, but general editing and selection is disabled.
Dynamic Interactivity Language   (Mathematica Guide)
Fundamental to Mathematica's dynamic interactivity capabilities is a new form of symbolic dynamic language. With a very small number of highly powerful primitives that mix ...
Evaluation > Notebook's Default Context   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Notebook's Default Context specifies the default context for the current notebook's kernel.
Evaluation > Notebook's Kernel   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Notebook's Kernel specifies the kernel for a notebook.
Controls Options   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica's symbolic control objects include options that make it easy to optimize both appearance and functionality in arbitrarily sophisticated interfaces.
CellularAutomaton   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CellularAutomaton[rule, init, t] generates a list representing the evolution of the cellular automaton with the specified rule from initial condition init for t steps. ...
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