(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) % n or Out[n] is a global object that is assigned to be the value produced on the n\[Null]^th output line. % gives the last result generated. %% gives the result before last. ...
Wolfram LibraryLink provides a powerful way to connect external code to Mathematica, enabling high-speed and memory-efficient execution. It does this by allowing dynamic ...
LibraryFunction[args] represents a function that has been loaded from a Wolfram Library.
LibraryFunctionUnload[fun] unloads a LibraryFunction so that it cannot be used.
$LibraryPath gives the default list of directories to search in attempting to find a library.
Mathematica makes it easy to "bulletproof" packages, and prevent features of their environment from affecting their internal operation.
FilePrint["file"] prints out the raw textual contents of file.
GUIScreenShot[interface] generates a graphic that captures the current state of the runtime user interface.
Java Connection Management >, InstallJava AddToClassPath ShowJavaConsole ..., Java Classes and Objects >, LoadJavaClass -- load and set up a Java class for use from ...