EquationTrekkerState[{eqns, dvars, {t, t_min, t_max}}, params, treks, opts] is the data object returned by the function EquationTrekker, that contains the information needed ...
Mathematica 8 introduces interactive content delivered by Wolfram|Alpha directly into your documents. Additionally, Mathematica 8 extends the existing set of interface ...
Mathematica includes rich support for linking between notebooks and from notebooks to websites. You can simply add references to a single notebook or link between a series of ...
OpenCLInformation[] gives all information about OpenCL platforms and devices on the system.OpenCLInformation[platform] gives information on OpenCL platform and about its ...
Mathematica offers support for a large number of file formats for importing, exporting, or other operations. It has several standard locations where it looks for files. You ...
$TemporaryDirectory gives the main system directory for temporary files on your computer system.
OpenCLFunctionLoad[prog, fun, argtypes, blockdims] loads fun from source code prog, returning an OpenCLFunction object.OpenCLFunctionLoad[{progfile}, fun, argtypes, ...
Mathematica provides fully integrated spline graphics primitives, such as Bézier curves, B-spline curves, and B-spline surfaces. The spline primitives support a full range of ...
Mathematica 's differential equation solving functions can be applied to many different classes of differential equations, automatically selecting the appropriate algorithms ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Graphlet GML graph data format. Used for the storage and exchange of graphs. GML is an acronym derived from Graph Modelling Language. Native format of the Graphlet graph ...