(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Microsoft WMF format. Image file format. Used by the Windows operating system and by Microsoft applications as a graphics resource format. WMF is an acronym derived from ...
$PreRead is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to the text or box form of every input expression before it is fed to Mathematica.
Methods for generating hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a special kind of button which jumps to another part of a notebook when it is pressed. Typically hyperlinks are indicated in ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Moment[list, r] gives the r\[Null]^th sample moment of the elements in list.Moment[dist, r] gives the r\[Null]^th moment of the symbolic distribution dist.Moment[..., {r_1, ...
NDSolve is broken up into several basic steps. For advanced usage, it can sometimes be advantageous to access components to carry out each of these steps separately. NDSolve ...
When you do symbolic calculations, it is quite easy to end up with extremely complicated expressions. Often, you will not even want to see the complete result of a ...
If you use a text-based interface to Mathematica, then the input you give must consist only of characters that you can type directly on your computer keyboard. But if you use ...
The Virtual Book is a browsable electronic collection of all the Mathematica tutorials, grouped according to functionality. It is an excellent place for users of all levels ...
ExpandFileName["name"] textually expands name to have the form of an absolute file name for your operating system.
NotebookFileName[] gives the file name of the current evaluation notebook. NotebookFileName[nb] gives the file name for the notebook specified by nb.