ShowNETConsole[] displays the .NET console window and begins capturing output sent to the Console.Out and Console.Error streams.ShowNETConsole["stdout"] captures only ...
Java Connection Management >, InstallJava AddToClassPath ShowJavaConsole ..., Java Classes and Objects >, LoadJavaClass -- load and set up a Java class for use from ...
Wolfram LibraryLink provides a powerful way to connect external code to Mathematica, enabling high-speed and memory-efficient execution. It does this by allowing dynamic ...
LibraryFunction[args] represents a function that has been loaded from a Wolfram Library.
LibraryFunctionUnload[fun] unloads a LibraryFunction so that it cannot be used.
The Java toolkit J/Link introduced Mathematica users to a powerful new technology for Mathematica programs to access the functionality of Java classes and, in particular, the ...
InstallService["url"] installs the web service operations in the WSDL description at the URL given.InstallService["url", "context`"] installs web service operations, creating ...
ControllerPath is an option that gives a list of external controllers or classes of controllers to try for functions such as ControllerState, Manipulate, and Graphics3D.
JavaShow[window] causes the specified Java window to be brought to the foreground, so that it appears in front of notebook windows.