With Mathematica, the enormous parallel processing power of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) can be used from an integrated built-in interface. Incorporating GPU technology ...
GetJavaException -- get the exception object thrown in the most recent Java call, JavaThrow -- throw a Java exception, $JavaExceptionHandler -- how Java exceptions are ...
Of particular importance in handling high-throughput programmatic graphics are Mathematica's sophisticated mechanisms for controlling graphics size and shape—allowing ...
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
Widget["Frame"] represents a complete window.
If you have installed Mathematica in a location where multiple users can run it (for example, on a file server or multi-user machine), then you can set up systemwide defaults ...
InstallNET[] launches the .NET runtime and prepares it to be used from Mathematica.
Mathematica is one of the more complex software systems ever constructed. It is built from several million lines of source code, written in C/C++, Java and Mathematica. The C ...
SymbolicGUIKitXMLToWidget[body] converts a GUIKitXML representation into the equivalent user interface expression.
DatabaseExplorer[] launches a graphical user interface to DatabaseLink.