GUILoad[src] loads an interface definition and returns immediately with a GUIObject result.GUILoad[src, args] passes arguments to the interface definition.
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
Mathematica has a built-in high-level interface to all standard SQL databases that allows immediate searching, reading, and writing of arbitrary data and expressions, as well ...
GUIRunModal[src] loads and runs an interface definition in a modal state with the kernel and returns a result when finished.GUIRunModal[src, args] passes arguments to the ...
OpenerView[{expr_1, expr_2}] represents an object which displays as an opener, together with expr_1 if the opener is closed, and both expr_1 and expr_2 if it is ...
JavaNew[classname] constructs a Java object of the specified class. JavaNew[classname, args] constructs a Java object of the specified class, passing the arguments args to ...
BindEvent[name | {target, name} | {target, name, filter}, object | script | call, ...] binds an event from one object to a listener or to a script.
(GUIKit Package Symbol) GUIRun[src] loads and runs an interface definition in a modeless state and returns immediately with a GUIObject expression that represents the live interface.GUIRun[src, ...