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MTensor_shareCount   (Mathematica LibraryLink C Function)
mint MTensor_shareCount (MTensor t) returns the number of sharing references to an MTensor held by Mathematica.
ActivateWindow   (NETLink Symbol)
ActivateWindow is an option to DoNETModeless that specifies whether to make the window visible.
$TetGenInstallationDirectory   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
$TetGenInstallationDirectory gives the top-level directory in which your TetGen installation resides.
$TetGenLibrary   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
$TetGenLibrary is the full path to the TetGen library loaded by TetGenLink.
JDBCDriver   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
JDBCDriver[args] specifies the configuration for connecting to a database produced by a specific vendor.
SQLArgument   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLArgument[arg1, arg2, ...] holds a sequence of arguments to an SQL query.
SQLConnection   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLConnection[...] is an object that represents a connection to a data source.
SQLDelete   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLDelete[conn, table] deletes the data in a table in an SQL connection.SQLDelete[conn, table, cond] deletes data that matches cond.
SQLInsert   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLInsert[conn, table, cols, data] inserts data into a table in an SQL connection.
SQLStringMatchQ   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLStringMatchQ[col, patt] specifies a condition in an SQL query used to test whether the value of a column matches a pattern. The actual format for the pattern varies from ...
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