To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
MathLink allows you to run external programs under whatever debugger is provided in your software environment. MathLink-compatible programs are typically set up to take ...
MathLink allows you to call an external program from within Mathematica even when that program is running on a remote computer. Typically, you need to start the program ...
Sending email from Mathematica. The examples below require that the default mail account settings have been configured in the Internet Connectivity > Mail Settings tab of the ...
Interface definitions can be defined using either a Mathematica expression or an XML definition. For many usages the Mathematica syntax is preferred. However, in cases where ...
SQLTableTypeNames[conn] returns the types of table supported in an SQL connection.
J/Link provides Mathematica users with the ability to interact with arbitrary Java classes directly from Mathematica. You can create objects and call methods directly in the ...
Widget["Table"] represents a table.
This example demonstrates how to create a reusable GUIKit` widget for wrapping Plot and some of its options. You can easily treat the PlotGroup example as a single reusable ...
Introduction to MathLink How MathLink Is Used Installing Existing MathLink-Compatible Programs