Mathematica has three functions for generating pseudorandom numbers that are distributed uniformly over a range of values. Pseudorandom number generation. Generating tables ...
DiracComb[x] represents the Dirac comb function giving a delta function at every integer point. DiracComb[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac comb function.
LUDecomposition[m] generates a representation of the LU decomposition of a square matrix m.
BSplineFunction[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] represents a B-spline function for a curve defined by the control points pt_i.BSplineFunction[array] represents a B-spline function for a ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trigger[Dynamic[u]] represents a trigger that can be pressed to make the dynamically updated value of u be continually increased with time from 0 to 1. Trigger[Dynamic[u], ...
ImageApply[f, image] applies the function f to the list of channel values for each pixel in image.
WatsonUSquareTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Watson U^2 test.WatsonUSquareTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed according to dist ...
NSolve gives you a general way to find numerical approximations to the solutions of polynomial equations. Finding numerical solutions to more general equations, however, can ...
Mathematica's symbolic timing framework allows timing information not only to be analyzed but also to be used in the structure of algorithms. Mathematica provides functions ...
Distribute[f[x_1, x_2, ...]] distributes f over Plus appearing in any of the x_i. Distribute[expr, g] distributes over g. Distribute[expr, g, f] performs the distribution ...