HistogramList[{x_1, x_2, ...}] gives a list of bins and histogram heights of the values x_i.HistogramList[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...}] gives a list of bins and ...
MultiplicativeOrder[k, n] gives the multiplicative order of k modulo n, defined as the smallest integer m such that k^m \[Congruent] 1 mod n. MultiplicativeOrder[k, n, {r_1, ...
Mathematica provides many options for styling the cells that appear in notebooks. Some of the more common styling options are available directly from the Format menu. All ...
Eigenvectors[m] gives a list of the eigenvectors of the square matrix m. Eigenvectors[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvectors of m with respect to a. Eigenvectors[m, k] ...
AlternativeHypothesis is an option for hypothesis testing functions like LocationTest that specifies the alternative hypothesis.
"FixCellWidth" is a front end token that assigns a CellSize option to selected cells to fix their width at their current width.
Continue[] exits to the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While in a procedural program.
$TimeUnit gives the minimum time interval in seconds recorded on your computer system.
Gudermannian[z] gives the Gudermannian function gd(z).
WordData["word", " property"] gives the specified property for the English word " word".WordData["word"] gives a list of full word specifications representing possible uses ...